Microsoft Word is, without a doubt, one of the best text editors out there, having a popularity rate that speaks for itself. A feature-rich word processor with an widely-known name Furthermore, changes others made can be tracked, and comments can be added to share opinions. Provided you save your document to the cloud, you can share it and use Word's collaboration features to edit it with your team members in real-time. Documents can be easily checked for spelling mistakes with Word's proofing tools, or translated using its dedicated feature. Also, it enables you to insert citations and bibliography data, tables of figures and authorities, captions, footnotes, indexes, and other similar elements that can make your document look professional. Create professional-looking files and share them with your teamĪs expected, Microsoft Word also bundles options to create a table of contents, making it easier for you to build the document's structure. Microsoft Word also features a so-called 'Read Mode', which hides the editing toolbars, allowing you to enjoy going through each page and focus on the content. The formatting options are variate and additional options, such as text watermarking, background customization and editing restrictions, help you personalize and protect your documents. You can easily change a document's style, organize paragraphs and manage indentation, or align graphic elements (such as charts, diagrams, shapes, tables, images, or embedded videos) to the text. Preserving the well-known ribbon layout, Word provides one-click access to all its features, from editing the font to reviewing the opened document. With a look that successfully manages to satisfy the latest trends, Microsoft Word enables you to create, edit and share documents while working in a familiar environment with intuitive options. Edit documents and create new ones with ease Everyone heard of Word, and while there are competitors out there, they usually do not match its feature set.
It basically applies to six users so you can install Office offline on six computers (PC or Mac), six tablets, six phones, and get the aforementioned 1TB storage for six users each.Part of the Microsoft Office suite, Microsoft Word is one of the most popular document processing applications out there, comprising everything you need to carry out different office-related tasks.
If you plan on sharing your Office with members of your family, this is the best value-for-money deal you can get. The Microsoft 365 Family package is available for $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year. The new Microsoft 365 subscription model not only gets you Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, and Outlook, but if you opt for the Family package, it also adds 1TB of OneDrive storage per person, which is a total of up to 6TB.
Once you have finished your trial period, you need to make a decision whether to stick with one of the aforementioned Microsoft Word free versions or pay for the full version. Plus, there are some cool freebies packaged with it.
Now, Microsoft has embraced the subscription model, which actually increases the price but makes a lot of sense if you are using Office on multiple computers for your whole family.